Welcome to First Congregational Church in Billerica!

We are covenantal partners in the United Church of Christ, with roots in the New England congregational church (think Pilgrims and Puritans). Our history is old but our thinking is not. We seek to be central to community life in Billerica, caring for members and neighbors alike, while reaching out beyond our boundaries into the world.

As a community, we GATHER. We GROW. We SERVE.

We GATHER each week to praise God and to encourage each other for living with faith, hope, and love. And we connect throughout the week so that we might know each other and be known ourselves.

We GROW together, old and young, by learning the stories and practices of our tradition in Sunday School, small groups, Bible studies, and many special programs.

We SERVE by blooming where we’ve been planted: building community; partnering with our interfaith and secular neighbors for the good of Billerica and the surrounding area; serving folks who are food-insecure and homeless; and showing up for justice.

In all these ways we practice being Christ’s hands and heart for an aching world. As people, we’re far from perfect. We mess up and miss the mark sometimes. Yet we trust the power of forgiveness and know that there’s room for grace.

Please enter into the life of this faith community as your needs and gifts lead you. We hope you’ll join us for worship this Sunday at 10 AM! We are available to talk with you about your faith journey and would love to get to know you.

Rev. Katherine